Earlier this month, from 16 to 19 May 2022, SCALABLE partner IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava organised the 8th edition of the High-Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (HPCSE) 2022 Conference.
Traditionally held in the Beskydy Mountains (Czech Republic), this conference aims to bring together international specialists in HPC, applied mathematics, numerical analysis, HPDA, machine/deep learning, and advanced visualization, to exchange experience and ideas, and initiate new research collaborations.
Over 80 participants and 12 invited speakers from 6 countries joined the 4-day conference to discuss these topics over 18 contributed talks and 30 research project presentations.
IT4I’s colleague Ondřej Vysocký presented the SCALABLE project at the occasion of the conference poster session.
For more information about HPCSE 2022, click here: hpcse.it4i.cz/HPCSE22