This year again, SCALABLE was represented at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis 2022 (SC22) thanks to our partners IT4Innovations and Jülich Supercomputing Centre. As one of the major HPC-oriented conferences, SC hosted thousands of students, exhibitors, and presenters from all over the world for this 2022 edition which was held on 13 – 18 November in Dallas, TX (USA).
During the event, the SCALABLE project was displayed on the partner’s booths, allowing attendees to learn more about our approach and latest progress, but also participate in daily raffles to try bringing back some useful giveaways!
In addition, IT4Innovations partners presented the poster “Toward Scalable Voxelization of Meshes with High Growth Rate”, which was nominated for Best Poster Award at the conference.
This poster, a contribution of Markéta Hrabánková, Ondřej Meca, Tomáš Brzobohatý, Lubomír Říha, Milan Jaroš, and Petr Strakoš, highlighted a scalable approach to converting the results of large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations into a volumetric representation used by volume rendering-based visualization.